
Wagner Group says its troops have been attacked by the Russian Army and vows revenge

Wagner Group says its troops have been attacked by the Russian Army and vows revenge

The head of the Wagner Group, Yevgueni Prigozhin, has published a video on his Telegram channel in which he assures that his troops have been attacked by the Russian Army and has promised revenge.

Prigozhin accuses the Russian Armed Forces of having launched a missile attack against the Wagner camps. “So many comrades have died, so we will have to decide how we are going to respond to this atrocity”.

In that same video, Wagner’s boss assures that “the evil of the direction of the Russian military forces must be stopped.”

“The Minister of Defense came to Rostov for the purpose of carrying out an operation to destroy the Wagner Group. He used artillery and helicopters at night to destroy us.”Prigozhin also asserts in the recording that he has broadcast on Telegram.

“This is not a military coup. This is a march of justice. Our actions do not interfere with those of the Russian troops in any way.”

[Un valenciano en la guerra de Ucrania: “Sólo puedes morir o volver. Caer preso de Rusia no es una opción”]

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) which falls under the immediate authority of President Vladimir Putin has opened a criminal investigation against Yevgeny Prigozhin for calling for armed rebellion, the Russian news agency reports. TASS citing the National Anti-Terrorism Committee.

President Putin has been informed of the events and of “the necessary measures that must be adopted”, reports the Interfax agency, which quotes the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov.

In the video, Prigozhin is extremely critical of the Kremlin and the reasons that led Russia to invade Ukraine. According to him, everything is based on lies and behind these lies are his usual archenemies: the high command of the Army.

Prigozhin’s constant interventions on social networks show that he has no minor role in the war in Ukraine. And from those same social networks he has been openly accusing the Minister of Defense for months, Sergey Shoiguand the most important general of Russia, Valery Gerasimovof being incompetent.

[Wagner asegura que la contraofensiva ucraniana hace retroceder a Rusia en Jersón y Zaporiyia]

The attack against the facilities of the Wagner Group in Rostov occurred hours after the publication of the video. A recording in which for the first time he questioned the justifications of the Kremlin for having invaded Ukraine.

“Nothing out of the ordinary happened on February 24… the Ministry of Defense is trying to deceive society and the president and tell us a story about how there was an irrational aggression by Ukraine and that they planned to attack us together with the full power of NATO,” Prigozhin said. Referring to the official version of the “Special Military Operation” as “a beautiful story “.

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