economy and politics

Volatility is not synonymous with fragility: Banxico

Volatility is not synonymous with fragility: Banxico

For her part, Governor Victoria Rodríguez said that the movements in the exchange rate are due to idiosyncratic factors and highlighted that given the possibility of movements in the market, the central bank could take necessary measures to regulate them.

“We currently have a program of exchange hedging liquidated in national currency for an amount of up to 30,000 million dollars, and if necessary, the Exchange Commission could use it,” he said.

The exchange rate has suffered episodes of volatility since the results of the presidential election were announced, in which Claudia Sheinbaum was the winner.

The stock markets and the peso had a negative performance after the possibility of a reform of the Judiciary .

The governor of Banxico added that they maintain the growth forecast for the Mexican economy of 2.4% and highlighted that balance is maintained in the external accounts.

“It is normal for financial markets to present adjustments by incorporating scenarios that had not been anticipated, as is happening in the recent episode. However, it is also expected that the factors of strength and resilience of the Mexican economy, which I have already mentioned, accompany this adjustment,” he noted.

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