
Visions of Mana is the most played on Xbox thanks to the brand's low popularity in Japan

Visions of Mana is one of the most played Xbox titles in Japan thanks to the fact that few people play on these consoles

The franchise Seiken Densetsu (Manna in the West) will finally return with a completely new game: Visions of Mana. The curious thing is that the ambitious project has not yet debuted—nor does it have a release date yet—but it is already one of the most played titles in Japan thanks to Xbox.

A few days ago, we informed you that Metaphor: ReFantazio managed to appear on the list of most played titles of Xbox in Japan despite the fact that he had not made his public debut in that country either and today we know that square enix was not left behind Visions of Mana.

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Because Visions of Mana It is one of the most played titles in Xbox in Japan?

In the list of popular games Xbox Visions of Mana manages to appear in position 39just below Metaphor: ReFantazio. The reason is apparently the same: square enix is already carrying out the private test sessions of Visions of Manathat like Metaphor: ReFantazio has a release scheduled for 2024. The above aside would confirm how little the titles of Xbox in Japan.

Nowadays it is customary that any game that comes to consoles Xbox in Japan be the most played even before its release thanks to its trial period. This would not happen in any other region, but it would happen in Japan because so few users register who play on Xbox that games that have not yet debuted have more test players than those already available.

In case you missed it: Visions of Mana It already has a launch window.

Visions of Mana is one of the most played Xbox titles in Japan thanks to the fact that few people play on these consoles

What do you think of the achievement you just achieved? Visions of Mana before its premiere? Tell us in the comments or on Discord.

You can find more news related to Manna if you visit this page.

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