
Uzbekistan becomes the third country to accept the credentials of a Taliban ambassador

Uzbekistan becomes the third country to accept the credentials of a Taliban ambassador


Uzbekistan has become the third country to accept the credentials of a Taliban ambassador, after China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), in what represents a success for the fundamentalist group, which has not recognized that the authorities established after its seizure of power in Afghanistan in 2021 be recognized internationally.

The Uzbek Foreign Minister, Bajtiyor Saidov, highlighted after the ceremony with the Afghan ambassador, Abdulghafar Bahr, that both countries “share a common history and interests of prosperity that serve as an impetus for the development of cooperation in all areas”, according to a message on his account on the social network X.

For his part, the spokesperson for the Afghan Foreign Ministry, Abdulqahar Balji, has expressed in his X account his desire for “bilateral relations to expand”, while Bahr has praised “stability” in Afghanistan as a “key opportunity for investment.”

During the day, the Afghan Ministry of Mines and Petroleum confirmed the signing of a contract for the exploration and extraction of natural gas in the Totimaidan field with an Uzbek company, as reported by the Afghan television network Ariana.

To date, no country has recognized the government established by the Taliban after taking power in Afghanistan more than three years ago as a result of the flight from the capital, Kabul, of the then president, Ashraf Ghani, in the midst of the withdrawal process. international troops.

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