
US revises its rejection of Ukraine’s use of its missiles against Russia after Putin accepted Iran’s

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The war between Russia and Ukraine is now in its third year and fears of further escalation are not going away. US Secretary of State Antony Blinkenannounced on Wednesday that the White House will reconsider its rejection of Ukraine using its long-range missiles to attack Russian territory. The decision comes after Russia has acquired missiles from Iran.

“It’s a difficult time with Russia expanding its attacks on Ukrainian cities and now Putin is further escalating his aggression with the acquisition of Iranian ballistic missiles,” Blinken said at a press conference after meeting in kyiv with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskyand his British counterpart, David Lammy.

Blinken explained that he will transfer the information to his president, Joe Bidento make a decision on Ukraine’s use of long-range US missiles against Russia. Lammy will do the same with his prime minister, Keir Starmer.

“If anyone is taking escalatory measures, it appears to be Mr. Putin and Russia,” Blinken said in reference to the purchase of missiles from IranThe British foreign minister said that “we are seeing a new axis of Russia, Iran and North Korea.”

For fear of the reaction of MoscowWashington, London and other allies of kyiv capable of supplying it with long-range missiles have so far avoided allowing it to strike military targets inside Russia. President Zelensky has been engaged for weeks in a diplomatic offensive to get the West to lift the restriction on missiles and after this move by Putin with Tehran he could be closer to achieving this.

Kremlin response

The Kremlin was quick to respond to Blinken’s statements and warned of the escalation that permission would entail. USA to kyiv to use long-range missiles.

“This is another possible step towards escalation by Washington. The United States has full control of kyiv “And this regime cannot take a single step without the blessing of Washington and other allies,” said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

Riabkov called it a “alarming” potential move, dangerous and threatening” and was blunt about Washington’s plans to claim Russian nuclear power: “They live in a world of dark fantasies that they themselves create, of ghosts that haunt them, one of which is the idea that Russia, a nuclear powercan be defeated on the battlefield.”

According to the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry PeskovThe West has probably already decided to allow kyiv to use long-range missiles.

“Most likely, these decisions have already been taken,” Peskov said at a press conference on Wednesday.

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