economy and politics

US companies will resume investment announcements; they trust Sheinbaum

US companies will resume investment announcements; they trust Sheinbaum

Rubin said that dialogue with U.S. investors is being intensified, seeking to give a vote of confidence to Mexico, as well as to the new administration headed by Sheinbaum, although the proposed reforms do not necessarily favor the investment climate.

“We have conveyed to investors the need to maintain dialogue and trust that the incoming administration will understand the urgency of improving conditions to attract and retain foreign capital,” he said in a statement.

He added that the next Mexican government has the opportunity and responsibility to change course, providing greater legal certainty and facilitating economic growth.

According to Rubin, the next Secretary of the Economy, Marcelo Ebrard, will be key in this regard due to his ability, knowledge and closeness to the business sector.

In the near future, important investment announcements by American companies will be made, albeit with caution.

“This vote of confidence is clear, but it is not unconditional. Investors are hoping to see concrete actions from the new government that demonstrate a real commitment to creating a favourable environment for investment.”

According to the Ministry of Economy’s monitoring of investment announcements, US companies have committed $68.455 billion between 2023 and September 2024.

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