economy and politics

US and India Strengthen Education Collaboration at First Task Force Meeting

India United States

US and Indian officials gathered at the first meeting of the US-India Task Force on Education and Skills Development.

The meeting, held in a hybrid format, was attended by prominent representatives of both countries.

Donald Lu, US Assistant Secretary for the State Department’s Bureau of South and Central Asia, and Neeta Prasad, Joint Secretary for International Cooperation at the Indian Ministry of Education, hosted the meeting.

During the meeting, the working group addressed various topics related to skills development and professional training, certification and recognition, partnerships between US-Indian higher education institutions, and collaboration with the private sector.

Participants exchanged views and explored ways to strengthen educational ties and foster workforce development.

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Under Secretary Lu stressed the importance of these educational connections for the shared economic prosperity between the United States and India.

In addition, he highlighted the positive impact that the many Indian students and professors in the United States have had in building strong interpersonal ties between the two countries. Likewise, he highlighted the growing network of educational exchanges as a key factor in this bilateral relationship.

The meeting of the US-India Task Force on Education and Skills Development represents a significant step in collaboration between the two countries in the field of education.

This initiative seeks to strengthen academic ties, promote skills training, and contribute to the development of a workforce prepared for the challenges of the future.

The United States and India continue to work together to expand educational opportunities and strengthen cooperation in the sector, recognizing the strategic value of education in the growth and prosperity of both nations.

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