economy and politics

Unemployment rate falls to 3.2% in July

Unemployment rate falls to 3.2% in July

The underemployment rate also fell 0.7 percentage points, compared to the previous month, during July, and stood at 7.9% of the economically active population. Underemployment refers to that condition where a person works fewer hours than they could and are willing to do.

The sector with the greatest increase in its employed population, compared to July 2021, was commerce, with 517,000 more people, followed by manufacturing industries and the restaurant and accommodation services sector, with increases of 185,000 and 151,000 more people. , respectively.

In terms of income, 32.7% of workers earned up to one minimum wage during July, while 34.3% earned more than 1 and up to 2 minimum wages. And only 1.3% of the employed population earned more than 5 minimum wages.

Informality rate also decreases

The population employed in labor informality during July was 31.8 million people, for which the informality rate stood at 55.4% of the employed population, one percentage point lower than in July 2021.

This population not only includes people who work in unregistered micro-businesses, but also counts those who work in formal economic units, but under informal conditions, since they do not receive social security.

In more detail, there were 15.7 million people employed informally, without benefits, but outside the informal sector.

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