economy and politics

Unemployment and finances, the biggest concerns of young people

Unemployment and finances, the biggest concerns of young people

The concerns of the new generations in Colombia lean towards cost of living, financial well-being, low optimism regarding the economic situation improving and the anxiety before a comfortable pension in the future. This was revealed by the Deloitte Global 2022 study, in its survey of Generation Z and Millennials.

(Read: Inflation of 10.21% in July has already ‘ate’ the rise of the minimum).

With a sample of 401 respondents in the country, 301 belonging to generation Z and 100 millennials, unemployment, corruption in business and politics, personal security, the cambio climate and environmental protection, These are issues that generate uncertainty for the country’s youth.

According to the firm, in Colombia, 40% of generation Z and 36% of millennials, they are taking on side jobs, in addition to their main job, out of concern about unemployment. As indicated by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), who in its latest report on employment and unemployment (June 2022), ensures that the national unemployment rate was 11.3%, which represented a reduction of 3, 3 percentage points compared to the same month of 2021 (14.6%).

biggest concerns

Unemployment acts as a consistent source of concern, according to the survey, 35% of the respondents of generation z, affirmed this trend as one of the topics of greatest concern. In the case of millennials, 29% also said they felt worried.

Among other factors that generate anxiety in young people in the country, is the long-term financial future, where 53% of generation Z and 52% of millennials, claimed to feel worried about their finances.

Facing mental health, 37% of Gen Z and 32% of Millennials, They said that workloads and the uncertainty of finances and the future economy generate some type of concern for them. For her part, Lucía Muñoz, consulting partner and human capital leader at Deloitte Spanish Latin America, these concerns “should not be a minor issue for companies, since the pandemic was proof of how excessive work or stressful situations can impact physical and mental health problems.

In the midst of this context, 47% of generation Z and 58% of millennials say they feel burned out. Similarly, 48% of Gen Z and 47% of Millennials have left their jobs due to workload.

According to Michele Parmelee, Deputy CEO and Chief People and Purpose Officer at Deloitte Global, states that “Business leaders must play a leading role in achieving better mental health at work and mitigating the causes of stress and burnout (…)”.

Likewise, another factor of greatest concern is the cost of living. According to the survey, 26% of Gen Z respondents said they felt safe with current costs of living. While only 18% of millennials said they felt this way.

(Also: Agricultural exports increased 38.8% in the first semester).

With regard to climate change and environmental protection, generation Z said they felt concerned by 25%. For millennials, a more worrying trend was noted, with 30% of respondentsclaiming to feel worried.

The tendency to corruption in business and politics, presented greater concern for millennials with 31%, while for the youngest of generation Z, the result was 25%.

Crime and personal security also act as factors of fear or anxiety, 28% of millennials surveyeds claimed to feel uneasy about this category. Just like 20% of generation Z, they claimed to feel the same.

On the other hand, these groups are not so optimistic about the economic situation, since 42% of generation Z and 29% of millennials consider that the economy will worsen in the country.


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