economy and politics

Ukraine | Zelensky celebrates Navy Day in Odessa

Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski celebrated from Odessa, the country’s main port city, the day of the naval forces.

ANDThe President of Ukraine Volodimir of Zelenskymet with the commander of the Navy, with whom he discussed, among other aspects, the situation in the Black Sea and the defensive capabilities together with the prospects for the development of the naval drone program and the missile program.

Zelensky highlighted the resistance of Odessa, the country’s main port city: “You have defended Odessa, which the Russian invaders dreamed of conquering or destroying. A Russian flagship was sunk by our missiles, and it was so humiliating for the Kremlin that they are still afraid to make the full details of this loss public.”

Zelensky visited a military hospital where he decorated some of the wounded. All this while in the East and South of the country the positions do not change significantly.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army, Valery Zaloujnyensures that the lack of weapons, particularly combat aircraft, limits the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

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