
Ukraine says it is “unaware” of the Vatican’s peace mission to resolve the war

File - Pope Francis.

File – Pope Francis. – Europa Press/Contact/Ivan Stephens – Archive

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Ukraine has assured this Monday that “it is not aware” that the Vatican is participating in a peace mission, as Pope Francis told reporters on Sunday after officially visiting Hungary, where he met with the Prime Minister of that country, Viktor Orbán.

Thus, kyiv has ensured that such discussions on behalf of Ukraine would be taking place without the “consent” of the Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelenski. “If these talks are taking place, they are taking place without our knowledge or without our blessing,” a Ukrainian presidential source told .

On his return from Hungary, Pope Francis assured that there was “a mission underway at the moment”, but it was not yet public. When it is, he affirmed, “I’ll talk about it.” In this sense, he stressed that “everyone is interested in the path towards peace” and that for his part, he will do “everything that needs to be done.”

Last week, the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Denis Shmigal, met in the Vatican with Pope Francis, to whom he conveyed the peace plan designed by Kiev, while inviting the Holy Pontiff to visit Ukraine.

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