The head of the National Police Department of the Ukrainian region of kyiv, Andri Nebitovhas warned that since the beginning of the armed conflict with Russia until this Sunday, they have found 1,346 bodies of local residents and another 300 people are missing.
“As of today, this figure is already 1,346 bodies of dead civilians,” Nebitov stressed, specifying that the majority have been killed with firearms, as reported by the Ukrinform news agency.
“I can say that this is not the final figure, because every day we work and, unfortunately, in the positions where the Russian Army was deployed, we find more and more bodies of buried people,” added Nebitov.
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Betrayal in Ukraine
After these latest events, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyhas dismissed with immediate effect the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Ivan Bakanovand the country’s attorney general, Irina Venediktovaas announced in a presidential decree and public appearance by the president, in which he has accused the employees of both departments of carrying out acts of treason against the State, according to reports Europe Press.
Venediktova will be replaced by Oleksiy Simonenko while Bakalov’s replacement has not been announced, until now a member of the president’s circle of closest friends and of which the president, according to sources from the US news portal Politicalhad distanced himself after the fall of the kherson region in Russian hands during the first weeks of the war.
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According to the decree published on the website of the Presidency of Ukraine, Bakalov has been dismissed in accordance with Article 47 of the Disciplinary Statute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which refers to the “lack of performance (or inadequate performance) of service duties with the consequent cost of human lives”.
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