
UKRAINE Advent in times of war, letter from an Indian nun from Ukraine

Superior of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Saint Mark, after the Russian invasion Sister Ligy Payyappilly decided to remain close to the local population. She tells about the courage of the Ukrainians and that for Christmas the convent of her sisters has been transformed into a place of refuge and hospitality.

Sister Ligy Payyappilly, 48, superior of the convent of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Saint Mark in Mukachevo, Ukraine, tells how they prepare for Christmas in a context of war. Originally from the province of Sanjo, in Indian Kerala, she has lived in Ukraine for 20 years. After the invasion of Russia in February this year, she along with 17 of her sisters, made the decision to stay behind to help civilian fugitives.

“The refugees are in different houses and have no food, so we share everything we have with them. We receive food from various benefactors, people who know us or foreign countries like Germany. Other countries also send us consumer items, clothing and medicines.We also provide food to the Ukrainian soldiers, everything we receive we distribute.

Two Indian students who were studying medicine in Kharkhiv are here with us because they wanted to complete their degree. At first we put them in a shelter, but they only stayed there for two days because the heating systems were not working and there was no food. Now they are with us.

The situation in Ukraine is very difficult, life is precarious and surviving every day is a miracle. Russia continues to fire missiles, but the Ukrainian soldiers are very brave. Just last night there was an attack with 35 drones: Ukrainian soldiers killed 33 of them and only two hit their targets. Every week, Russia fires between 80 and 100 missiles at Ukraine.

There is no electricity in Ukraine either, everything is like a dream of death, a nightmare.

We continue with our prayer celebrations as usual, many people come to pray, many families of soldiers join us. We convey hope to them. I think Ukraine will win, those who died did it to defend their country. Your prayers join the prayers of Pope Francis and the world and our prayers for this country. Many have given their lives for freedom and peace, but they have also killed innocent children in this conflict.

This Christmas the house will be open to everyone and we will offer accommodation, food and clothing. Our convent will be the portal of Bethlehem and God will put his tent between us. We will expand the space of our tent so that anyone can find love, joy and hope.”

(With the collaboration of Nirmala Carvalho)

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