Science and Tech

U. de Chile leads the awarding of projects to strengthen international cooperation

La Casa de Bello leads the list of institutions with projects awarded in the ECOS 2022 call, standing out in the areas of Social Sciences and humanities.

Four ECOS and six Amsud projects are the ones that Casa de Bello will carry out after the recent award. The contests seek to promote scientific cooperation and international links for the generation of knowledge.

Communications UdeChile.- Monitoring exotic species in Antarctica and promoting citizen education through television programming are part of the 10 projects awarded by the University of Chile within the framework of the ECOS calls and the AmSud Regional Programfinanced by the National Research and Development Agency (ANID). The initiatives will get a total of 12,980,566 pesos and €15,100 per year to strengthen international relations and mobility for the development of research among Chile, France and other South American countries.

highlighting in social sciences and humanities, the University of Chile was positioned number one in the ECOS 2022 contest, awarding 20.5% of the total budget of the call. For his part, in the Amsud Program, the institution obtained 18% of national awardsstanding out in the environment category.

“For the University of Chile it is relevant to strengthen international relations, the results of the awards with ECOS and Amsud 2022 in the framework of relations with France and South American countries, is an example of the path that we must expand as an institution”pointed out the Research Director of the Vice-Rector for Research and Development, Rodrigo Fuster.

ECOS 2022: Strengthening relations between Chile and France

Generating international relations that aim to promote scientific cooperation and research links between Chile and France, through the support of projects of excellence and mobility, is the objective of ECOS 2022.

On this occasion, the Casa de Bello will have the possibility of carrying out four investigations through the faculties of Social Sciences, Communication and Image, Sciences and Medicine. Each of the projects will obtain a maximum total of $4,880,000 pesos for each project per year executed for three years.

Among the projects is “Fiction dresses up in history. Serial strategies of citizen formation”driven by the academic from the Faculty of Communication and Image, Lorena Antezana.

“We are going to analyze the common elements between Chile and France on the disaffection of young people with democracy, addressing how dictatorships affected and how audiovisual productions such as television series influence in reinforcing citizen education”explained the academic of the Faculty of Communication and Image.

Meanwhile, the academic of the Faculty of Sciences and director of the Millennium Institute for Biodiversity of Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Ecosystems, Elie Poulin will lead the project “Monitoring of Subantarctic Alien Species in the Antarctic Peninsula: Establishment of a Network of Nearshore Observing Systems in Patagonia, Kerguelen and Antarctica”.

According to Poulin, “ECOS comes to support the consolidation of the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Biodiversity Observatory, this, through the installation of underwater mechanisms, to learn about exotic species that would be arriving in Antarctica.”

Amsud: Chile’s cooperation with South American countries and France

Promoting international exchange for the generation of knowledge and multidisciplinary application in research is part of the objective of the Amsud Regional Program. The initiative develops in three categories: information sciences and technologies; the comunications; and math and weatherto strengthen cooperation between France, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.

From the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, the academic Luz Cárdena, will carry out the project “Thermal comfort in public spaces for urban design”. “We are going to work with teams from the universities of France and Uruguay, exploring the bioclimatic conditions in outdoor spaces for public use, streets and squares to quantify human thermal comfort”explained as a teacher.

The study will be located in the cities of Santiago, Nantes, Montevideo and Viña del Mar, weighing according to the specialist “the wind vector, a distinctive characteristic compared to Mediterranean cities”, concluded the FAU specialist.

“5G & B5G Technology Based on Artificial Intelligence for Underground Vehicle Communications with OWC/RF”is the name of another of the projects that, on this occasion, will lead the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, through the academic César Azurdia.

For the teacher, this adjudication means “the recognition that the academic community has with the work carried out in the different areas, in this case, that of telecommunications, both in radio frequency and in optical communications”. Likewise, regarding the internationalization of research cooperation, the specialist indicated that “During the last six years we have worked with colleagues from Usach, Ecuador and France, which has allowed us to generate synergy”he pointed out.

He also expressed that “we will be interacting in various areas of knowledge, where we will be working on the fifth generation 5G and on the use of artificial intelligence and applying it to communication between vehicles”, he reinforced.

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