Science and Tech

Tricks so that your cat does not climb on the kitchen or bathroom countertops

Tricks so that your cat does not climb on the kitchen or bathroom countertops

Cats are not as “forgiving” as dogs. Is there any way to prevent them from being uploaded to sites that you don’t want?

Every owner of a cat knows that the animal only needs a couple of days to become the House’s owner. He will do what he wants and he will get on where he wants, no matter what that puny human tells him.

So the kitty will put his butt on the counter where you prepare food, he will drink water from your glasses, or he will get into the bathtub to play with the stopper. Do not forget that they step on the litter box and lick each other continuouslyincluding their private parts, so they are not very hygienic. How can you prevent it from climbing where it shouldn’t?

A cat usually doesn’t learn anything through yelling or threats, and even less if you try to talk to him and explain it to him. The best solution is let him learn it for himself.

There are people who wet the cat with water when it is in a place that it should not be, since the water repels them. But normally the cat will not associate that action with him being in the wrong place. He will simply think that you want to annoy him.

luckily there is tricks for cats not to climb on kitchen counters.

First, you have to try to guess why he does it. Maybe he just uses it to look out a window. In that case, put a chair or something for him so he can look through it, or if you don’t want, directly lower the blind or put up a curtain.

Cats don’t like sticky surfaces, so one trick is put double-sided tape, or adhesive paper, on the edges of the countertop. Its legs will stick and it will go away. If you don’t like the idea because it’s not very aesthetic, you can try foil a little wrinkled, that makes noise when stepped on it, and the reflections scare them.

Another solution is put sandpaper on the countertop. The rough touch on the legs they do not like at all. Hopefully you’ll only have to do it for a few days, until the habit breaks.

Another very different kind of trick is resort to odours. Cats don’t like strong citrus or mint scents, for example. so you can buy essential oils of lemon, orange, peppermint, lavender, or citronella, which are not toxic. Mix them with a little water, and with a spray spray the countertop, the bathtub, the pot of silver that is eatenor where you don’t want it to go.

You’ll keep the kitty away from those places, and your house will also smell great.

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