Science and Tech

Traveling Exhibition “Images of the Nano World” arrived at the Metro Bellas Artes station

Traveling Exhibition "Images of the Nano World" arrived at the Metro Bellas Artes station

The expo offers a unique opportunity to appreciate the beauty and importance of these scientific branches.

Oscar Labrín, Journalist.- After a successful visit to the USACH Planetarium, the Nanoworld Images exhibition of the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (CEDENNA) reached the Bellas Artes Metro Station.

A selection of 12 images of nanoparticles made of different materials, captured by the center’s researchers using state-of-the-art electronic microscopes, make up this creative exhibition that will tour the country in the coming months.

The exhibition is complemented by a full color book with 35 images of the Nanomundo, which can be downloaded free of charge in its digital format at

Dr. Dora Altbir, director of CEDENNA and 2019 National Prize for Exact Sciences, highlighted the importance of showing that this nanometric world is both useful and beautiful.

“Behind this beauty that exists in the nanouniverse there are many practical things, since each of these particles has a specific use, for example, to remove arsenic from water, to improve the quality of food packaging, to absorb oxygen and that food does not oxidize and last longer, in a mining sensor or to detect pathogens in food”, explained Dr. Altbir.

This exhibition seeks to generate the curiosity and interest of the public of all ages in nanotechnology, which considers applications that are developed from the new properties exhibited by materials at the nanoscale. Some applications have been around for a long time and range from sunscreens to paints with specific properties, including components in our computers and cell phones, as well as revolutionary cancer treatments.

A nanometer is equal to one millionth of a millimeter, which is why nanometer-sized systems can only be observed with specialized microscopy.

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