economy and politics

Training, support and other projects focused on social neighborhoods

Meeting of the Social Barrismo Directorate

The Social Barrismo Direction met with more than 80 representatives from 40 clubs in the country to listen to the needs of this group. At the meeting, which took place on July 18 and 19, the parties reached agreements on training and resources to eliminate stadium violence and inequality.

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During their participation, the representatives of the barristas requested support with training spaces, accompaniment for their productive projects, expansion of social barrismo programs, territorial teams to carry out joint work and that the Government commit to urban culture.

In this order of ideas, the Directorate, which is part of the Vice Ministry of Youth of the Ministry of Equality, announced that will have legal status to generate alliances with the State and facilitate project formulation for this population.

In addition, it was agreed to provide support with resources and incentives for nine months to contribute to the generation of actions that promote football tourism in their territories, which include cities such as Pasto, Huila, Bucaramanga, Valledupar, Pereira, Monteria, Cartagena and Cali.

“We are in a Ministry that wants to generate development processes, dignify the work of the hooligans and recognize them as subjects of social transformation. We think of hooligans as protective environments and not just as a matter of security and coexistence,” said Maritza Ruíz Posada, director of Barrismo Social.

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Meeting of the Social Barrismo Directorate

Vice Ministry of Youth

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The Directorate also announced that there will be training processes to strengthen popular communication with the National Pedagogical University and the creation of spaces for collective healing and reparation of women caregivers and mothers of victims of violence associated with the barramo.

In addition, the clubs will receive technological equipment to make their work visible both locally and nationally.

To achieve these projects, the Vice Ministry of Youth allocated a budget of around $25 billion which is expected to impact more than 20,000 supporters in the country.

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