
TPLF announces the “removal” of Getachew Reda as interim president of the Tigray region

TPLF announces the "removal" of Getachew Reda as interim president of the Tigray region

Getachew denounces that, after the division of the party, the other “side” has “proclaimed a coup d’état”


The Tigray Popular Liberation Front (TPLF) announced this Monday the “dismissal” of five members of the region’s interim administration, including the president, Getachew Reda, who has denounced an “illegal congress” that has “been mocking of law and order” to “spread anarchy.

The party has indicated in a statement that it will inform the federal government about the leader who will occupy the regional leadership on an interim basis, stressing that those who have been serving in the interim administration “will no longer have the authority to lead, make decisions or issue directives,” according to the ‘Addis Standard’ newspaper.

This decision comes days after the TPLF emphasized that “the interim administration was established solely to implement the Pretoria Agreement” and to provide essential services, although it has accused it of “engaging in manipulative efforts to consolidate power.”

For his part, Getachew has pointed out that, “after the division” of the TPLF leadership into “two camps”, one of the two “has held an illegal party congress” from which “this clique has been mocking law and order in Tigray, determined to spread anarchy and create popular apprehension.”

“This faction has proclaimed an official coup d’état to put into practice the boastful displays it has exhibited in various forums,” he said, adding that “it has also dedicated itself to eroding the unity of the people of Tigray and to belittling and defaming” the population through an “incessant smear campaign” against the regional government and the security forces, according to a statement published on his profile on the social network X.

For the regional president, the party leader, Debretsion Gebremichael, “has taken this irresponsible measure deliberately to generate instability and crisis, not because he does not know the processes of how and when government powers can be secured.” “Above all, choosing this grandstanding at a time when efforts to restore the territorial integrity of Tigray are bearing fruit makes it clear that this faction’s only interest is in clinging to power, not addressing the needs and associations of our people,” he added.

Likewise, Getachew has announced legal actions “against the leadership of this destructive faction”, considering that the Tigray Interim Administration “cannot and will not tolerate this type of reckless actions.”

This situation responds to internal divisions within the TPLF, due to the rupture between the president of the party, Debretsion Gebremichael, and the president of the Tigray Regional Administration, Getachew Reda. The interim administration in Tigray, dependent on the Ethiopian Government but with certain powers of autonomy, has as its main objective the consolidation of supply routes to facilitate the arrival of humanitarian aid to those affected by the fighting, which has left between 100,000 and 600,000 dead.

The conflict in Tigray broke out in November 2020 after an attack by the TPLF against the main base of the Ethiopian Army, located in Mekelle, after which the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, ordered an offensive against the group after months of tensions at the political level. and administrative, including the TPLF’s refusal to recognize an electoral postponement and its decision to hold regional elections outside of Addis Ababa.

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