Science and Tech

TikTok Bans Content That Promotes Denial Theories About Climate Change

TikTok home interface

TikTok home interface -UNSPLASH

21 Apr. (Portaltic/EP) –

TikTok has begun banning videos featuring climate change denial content, after announcing it would update its community guidelines to address the misinformation on this topic.

Last March, the company said that it would modify its moderation policies to include new restrictions, such as the regulation of the so-called ‘deepfake’ – videos generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) that very precisely imitate the appearance and voice of a person – and the contents related to political affairs.

With this change to your community guidelines, you would also introduce updates related to climate change misinformation in the app, which will be removed if these videos include denialist theories on this subject.

TikTok will continue to allow videos that address debates on climate change, as well as government policies related to this aspect, as long as they do not go against the consensus of the scientific community, as has been pointed out Engadget based on information published by The Daily Beast.

After implementing this measure, in force from this Friday, the platform will begin to eliminate content that violates their new guidelineswhile users seeking climate information will be directed to an ‘authoritative information’ section developed by the United Nations collaborative platform.

It should be remembered that in 2022 NewsGuard researchers published a study on disinformation, in which they concluded that the platform had a large amount of false data on climate change. In addition to containing information wrong about this issue, TikTok made search suggestions like ‘climate change doesn’t exist’.

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