economy and politics

Three departments contribute half of the national GDP

Three departments contribute half of the national GDP

In the year 2022 Colombian gross domestic product (GDP) totaled $1,462.5 trillionat current prices, and of these, almost half were concentrated in only four departments.

Yesterday the Dane published the results of the GDP for the 32 departments of the country and the capital district at the cut of 2022. The statistical entity highlighted that among Bogotá, Antioquia and Valle del Cauca concentrated 48.5% of the national GDP last year.

(See: Fedemaderas seeks to contribute to 9% of GDP by the year 2052).

In the case of the capital, the GDP reached $357.2 billion last year, in Antioquia it was $212.5 billion and in the Valley the departmental GDP was $139.8 billion.
And also, if Santander, Cundinamarca and Atlántico are added to the main productive areas of the country, these six economies represent 65.5% of Colombia’s GDP. The economies of these three regions reached, respectively, $92.2 trillion, $91.9 trillion and $63.7 trillion.

By contrast, the three departments with the smallest GDP they contributed only 0.1% of GDP. The smallest economies in the country in 2022 were Vichada, with $957,000 million, and Guainía and Vaupés with $498,000 million and $382,000 million, respectively.

individually, the largest contribution to the economy was made by Bogotá DC, with 24.4% of GDP, followed by Antioquia (14.5%), Valle del Cauca, with 9.6% of the participation in the GDP; Santander (6.3%), Cundinamarca (6.3%) and Atlántico, with a contribution of 4.4%.
In the case of other departments, the size of economies such as Meta, whose GDP in 2022 was $58.4 billion, that of Bolívar, which was $51.4 billion, and Boyacá, with $38.8 billion, was also highlighted.

And among the lowest GDP is also Chocó, with $6.0 trillion, Putumayo ($5.6 trillion), Caquetá ($5.4 trillion), and San Andrés and Providencia ($2.1 trillion).

(See: Which were the departments with the highest GDP in 2022).

The Dane also presented the growth dynamics of the different regions. According to the statistical authority, while the national GDP grew 7.3% in 2022, in nine of the departments there was an expansion rate above the national average.

Such is the case of San Andrés and Providencia, which grew 11.5%; Bogotá DC, with a rate of 9.5%; Atlantic with 9.3%; Risaralda, which registered an expansion of 8.9% in its GDP; Bolívar with 8.6%, Putumayo (8.4%), Valle del Cauca (8.1%), Cundinamarca (7.8%) and Norte de Santander (7.4%).

In the case of San Andrés, the item with the highest growth in 2022 was artistic activities and entertainment, with a rate of 41.1% in its sectoral GDP, followed by the commerce category, with an indicator of 17.6 %.

And on the side of Bogotá, according to the report presented by Dane, the economic activities that explained the behavior registered in the capital, according to their contribution, were commerce, which grew 11.3%; followed by artistic, entertainment and recreation activities, with 30.7%; construction with 34.4% and the manufacturing industry with growth of 11.2%.

On the other hand, in the 24 remaining departments the growth was given below the national. Among these, Antioquia stands out with 6.9%; Boyacá, Córdoba Quindío, with a growth rate of 6.4% in their regional GDP and Caldas, with 6.1%.

But among the more modest dynamics is also Casanare with 1.7%, Vichada (1.2%) and Guainía (1.1%). The only department that registered a reduction in its GDP in 2022 was La Guajira, whose annual growth rate in volume presented a negative variation of -3.2%.

(See: The country’s GDP in 2023 would be 1.1%, according to a Fedesarrollo survey).

The Dane too presented the data of GDP per inhabitant, or per capita. For last year, the national GDP per capita was $28.3 million, and in the departments that registered a GDP per capita higher than the national one were: Meta, with a GDP per capita of $52.5 million, and Casanare, with $51 4 million per inhabitants.

In the case of Bogotá DC, the relationship was $45.4 million for each inhabitant during 2022, while Santander is next on the list, with $39.5 million. In the case of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, this figure rose to $34.1 million last year, above the indicator for Antioquia ($31.3 million per person), Boyacá ($30.2 million) and Valle del Cauca. ($30.2 million).

The departments with the lowest GDP per inhabitant in 2022 were Vichada, with barely $7.9 million for each of its citizens; Vaupés, with $8.4 million in its GDP per capita measurement, Guainía ($9.0 million), Chocó ($10.3 million) and Sucre ($11.7 million).

(See: The alarms go off due to the drop in construction GDP).

Journalist Portfolio

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