Science and Tech

Threads tries to incorporate the columns fixed on the web, a change that brings it closer to Tweetdeck

Pinned columns in the web version of Threads

Pinned columns in the web version of Threads – GOAL

May 17. (Portaltic/EP) –

Meta works on the pinned columns for your ‘microblogging’ social network threads, a change in the interface of the web version that would allow different thematic ‘feeds’ to be established to follow current events at a glance.

The web version from Threads will soon have a interface design change which will involve the addition of multiple columns that can be set, as the executive director of Meta himself has shared, Mark Zuckerbergin his account.

These “fixed columns”, as Zuckerberg has called them, allow us to establish a ‘feed’ for each topic, to follow trends, hashtags, accounts or searches at a glance next to the main feed.

This new feature changes the design of the web version of Threads, making it similar to the X Pro Tool, previously known as Tweetdeck, which also allowed you to establish different columns to track searches, topics and accounts.

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