
Thousands of people take to the streets in Italy to ask for peace in Ukraine

Demonstration for peace in Rome, Italy

Demonstration for peace in Rome, Italy – Europa Press/Contact/Ansa/Massimo Percossi

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Nov. 5 () –

Tens of thousands of people have come out this Saturday to demonstrate in Rome and other Italian cities to protest against the war and call for peace in Ukraine and around the world under the slogan “Europe for Peace”.

“We are more than 100,000”, assured the organizing organizations of the march in the Italian capital, between the Plaza de la República and the Plaza de San Giovanni.

Unions and more than 500 civil associations have participated in calling for a ceasefire in Ukraine and in all the open wars in the world between rainbow flags and banners with the word “Peace” in ten languages.

The demonstration was attended by the leader of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, the secretary of the Italian General Confederation of Labor (CGIL), Maurizio Landini, the mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, and the president of the Lazio region, Nicola Zingaretti .

“There are so many of us today as to ask for an immediate ceasefire,” a spokesman for the Italian League for Peace and Disarmament declared from the stage, according to the Sky-Tg24 network.

Conte, for his part, stressed that “citizens are today in the squares to make their voices heard, tired of a strategy that leads to a military escalation.” The time has come “to promote a peace negotiation,” he affirmed.

The secretary general of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, was also present: “I am here because peace is the most important thing of all. We are here to give our opinion, in silence, marching, as I believe it is our right to do at this time for peace, for Ukraine, to end this war and to end the Russian invasion.”

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