economy and politics

This will pay commission for your Afore next year

This will pay commission for your Afore next year

The Consar rejected the commission proposal presented by Afore Coppel of 0.78%, considering it excessive for the interest of the workers.

According to the agency, by the year 2023, workers will continue to benefit by maintaining savings in their individual account for more than 24.4 billion pesos, which will allow them to increase their retirement balance.

Fees drop 40 base points for voluntary savings

The commissions of the Additional Siefores that exclusively manage the voluntary savings of the workers were also approved, which will charge 0.57% on the managed balances; The drop in commissions for the Additional Siefores represents a historical decrease of 40 basis points on average:

The Afores Sura and Profuturo were denied their respective commission proposals for these investment companies because they considered it excessive for the interest of the workers.

Afore Coppel, Profuturo and SURA will be obliged to collect the average commission of the commissions authorized by the Governing Board to the other administrators, until they submit a new application and their commissions are authorized.

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