Science and Tech

This Thursday, July 6, at the Teatro Galia de Lanco, the feature film “Folil” or root in mapunzungun will premiere

Attention all movie and culture lovers! We are pleased to invite you to a special screening of the feature film FOLIL, at 5:00 p.m., at the Teatro Galia, located at Arturo Prat 139, Lanco, to enjoy this unique cinematographic experience.

Lorenzo Palma, Science in Chile.- This Thursday at Lanco’s Teatro Galia, you will be able to see for free the fiction feature film Folil, directed by Ignacio Montenegro, within the framework of the development of the FIC 22-19 project Lanco’s Mushrooms: value of ethnocultural heritage. This activity is financed by the Innovation Fund for Competitiveness (FIC) of the Regional Government of Los Ríos and its Regional Council, the amount of which reaches an investment of $200 million.

The invitation is at 5:00 p.m., where attendees will be welcomed and informed about the objective and details of the project FIC 22-19 Lanco Mushrooms: value of ethnocultural heritage, led by Dr. Erika Briceño, academic at the University Southern Chile.

The feature film “Folil”, or “root” in mapunzungun, invites us to question humanity’s relationship with nature, exploring the way we conceive and inhabit it. The story follows two young Mapuche from the communities of Pukura and Traitraico, located in southern Chile, as they face the difficulty of protecting the forest to continue collecting wild mushrooms, their source of food and medicine.

The film reveals the problems that affect these Mapuche communities and their territory, and shows the world the contradictions that arise when the language of nature is confronted with the paradoxes of development.


Erika Briceño, director of the “Hongos de Lanco” initiative, explained that this presentation of the feature film marks an important milestone at the end of the first period of collecting wild mushrooms of the FIC 22-19 project. She emphasized that it is an open invitation to the entire community and that there is no cost associated with it.

In addition, he highlighted the main objectives of the project, which are to carry out a sustainable harvest of wild edible mushrooms and provide training in the identification of the species collected and that the main partners of the initiative are the indigenous communities Puyehue de Malalhue, and Kilkilco de Huane, from the Lanco commune, so the presentation of the feature film is highly relevant.

At 6:30 p.m., they will have the incredible opportunity to immerse themselves in a fascinating conversation with the talented cast of the feature film “Folil”, together with its director, Ignacio Montenegro.

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