The Batman animated series from the nineties is absolutely unique. It was born as a clever spin-off of the dark Batman from the comics that established itself in the mainstream with Tim Burton’s films of the character. But ‘Batman: The Animated Series’ (which you can watch on Netflix and on Prime Video) went much further: its splendid gallery of villains, His devastating designs that drew from expressionism and comics and plots that were appropriate for children but full of suggestive nuances for adult audiences made it the best adaptation of the character (animated or not) of all time.
Now coming to Prime Video’Batman: The Caped Crusader‘, a series that was born as a Warner project, but the endless cuts of the owner of DC ended it on the Amazon platform. The series drinks without any kind of reservations from the discoveries of the nineties series, and in fact shares with it, here as producer, its absolute creator Bruce Timm.
Also on board are such relevant names as JJ Abrams, Matt Reeves (director of the latest film adaptation of the character) and the notable comic book writer Ed Brubaker, who has written Batman stories more oriented towards the noir series than to classic superheroes. Some of this is transmitted to this fabulous series, where Criminals are not eccentric freaks, but sociopathic mobsters with personality problems.
Once again we find great designs, a Batman who isn’t afraid to go all out on how disgusting Bruce Wayne’s personality is, and multiple appearances by relevant supporting characters from the Bat-verse. A party for fans but also an excellent gateway to a character who is very much a superhero but even more a detective who isn’t afraid to dive into the quagmire of the underworld to solve his cases.
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