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This is how you can improve your resume, according to a Google recruiter

This is how you can improve your resume, according to a Google recruiter

Erica Rivera, a senior recruiter at Google, posts videos to her careerdivacoaching TikTok account to give her followers tips on how to look for a job.

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One of the videos with the highest number of views is about the aspects that should be included in the CV.

Next, we tell you what they are the five most important things to leave out of the profile to apply for a jobaccording to Rivera, whose profile on the social network has more than 4.2 thousand followers.

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1. Residence address

As this is confidential information and not very relevant to the case, the recruiter recommends not including the complete home address. “Number one, it’s your address. We don’t need the full address: just city and state,” she says in the video.

According to Rivera, adding personal objectives to the resume is something that is no longer used and that practice “is from the year 1970 (…) It’s no more, we are in 2022”.

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3. Complete work history

Instead of putting the complete work history, it is better to add the positions in which you have worked and that are related to the vacancy to which you apply:

“We must focus and perfect in adapting your search and resume to the position you are applying for,” he adds.

4. Weak or passive verbs

The recruiter recommends substituting verbs such as “I helped” or “I was responsible for”, which connote a weak contribution in the actions that she carried out, for “I improved”, “I implemented”, “I managed” or “I was in charge of”.

For Rivera, it is not necessary to include the references in the resume, since the company will request them if required and if they take up space that can be used in a better way.


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