economy and politics

This is how they will get agricultural production from Nariño, after a collapse on the road

This is how they will get agricultural production from Nariño, after a collapse on the road

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Cecilia Lopez Montaño, reported that as a result of the blockade of the Pan-American Highway due to the landslide in Rosas (Cauca), work is being done in conjunction with the Ministry of Transportation and agricultural producers to move cargo to other areas of the country.

Regarding milk, the minister indicated that in addition to the permanent dialogue with thethe milkmen from Nariño At this moment, the product is being transported in small trucks, which have refrigeration, to take it by alternate route to Mocoa, where it is transferred to tank trucks to continue with the distribution process.

(See: Closure of the Pan-American highway: this is how food prices are).

Secondly, he pointed out that they are negotiating with the government of Ecuador, the passage of tractor-trailers through their territory as is already being done with gasoline.I have spoken with the director in charge of the ICA so that she can talk with her Ecuadorian counterpart and that they give us the green light so that there is a way to transport the milk. That is still being negotiated“, he pointed.

Likewise, he assured that what happened makes it clear the need to have a spray plant.If the commitment made years ago to make a sprayer in Nariño, which is a large milk producer, had been fulfilled, we would not have this mess”.

In this regard, it made a commitment to milk producers in the south of the country to encourage and finance the construction of the sprayer with the support of Finagro and Banco Agrario.

Regarding the potato, He pointed out that they are analyzing how to speed up the shipment since Nariño’s production exceeds the capacity of medium-sized trucks that can circulate on alternate roads to the Pan-American Highway.

(See: ‘Springboard of death’: crossing to leave Cauca by alternate route).

Regarding the inputs for the concentrates, the portfolio manager said that “Despite the fact that at this moment we are at a manageable level, which could become critical, we are looking for an alternative so that we can take these concentrates by sea to all these areas in the south of the country, which is a large producer of eggs, chickens and pigs”.

(See: Fears increase among ranchers due to the closure of the Pan-American highway).


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