Science and Tech

This is how a cotton plant becomes a t-shirt (video)

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When you wear that Barcelona or Real Madrid football shirt that you like so much, there is a complex manufacturing process behind it, which you can see in this video.

The cotton t-shirts They are among the most appreciated, because they are comfortable, adapt well to the body, and are breathable. They are in high demand as soccer jerseys that teams like real Madrid or the Barcelona They sell for millions is all over the world.

Most clothing uses chemicals and the manufacturing process is highly polluting. But the t-shirts cotton employ natural fiber from the cotton plantalthough logically there is a chemical process when it comes to dyeing the cotton to obtain shirts of different colors, or to include the logos, stripes and others in the kits of the shirts of football.

The Belgian jersey manufacturer PASwhich has been in business for almost 40 years, has uploaded a video showing the entire manufacturing process from harvest cotton plants, until you get a t-shirt ready to sell in stores. You can see it in the opening video of the news.

As we see, the whole process begins in the cotton fields. Harvesters collect the precious material. It is very delicate, so the machine itself directly separates the flower and places it in some cylindrical balesso it doesn’t get crushed.

Once in the factory, the cotton is “pulverized” with machines called ginners, and possible impurities are removed.

A spinning process then begins in which the cotton continuously spins to create a uniform fiber that can be spun. Once spun, it is woven to create huge cotton sheets resembling sheetsbut several meters long.

This American football team changes the number of the jerseys for a QR code

The next process is wash the fabric, and dye it with the different colors to be used. The cotton fabric is now ready to become T shirt.

The PAS brand make your t-shirts by hand: a tailor designs the pattern and seamstresses (the vast majority are women), they cut and sew the fabric with sewing machines. It only remains to sew the label, and the cotton shirt it is ready to be sold. A very interesting manufacturing process, worth seeing.

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