
This company wants to show you commercials when you pause your games

Roku wants to display ads when you pause your games

For months there has been speculation about the arrival of video game commercials. Companies are constantly looking for new business models and, as expected, advertising is one of their most striking alternatives.

According to a recently discovered patent, Roku is looking for a way to show commercials to users of its televisions and other devices, including gamers. Specifically, the company would make players see ads when they pause their titles.

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Roku wants to show you commercials in your gaming sessions

Roku wants to display ads when you pause your games

According to the patent, Roku looking for an additional way to monetize their products and platforms. For this he works in an advertisement and advertising systemwhich will be activated automatically when it detects that the user is inactive.

The patent reveals a system for controlling the video signal that is displayed through an HDMI port. In this way it is detected whether the image on a television is active or static. When there is no activity, then the commercials will be displayed.

This applies when a player pauses a title or when a user simply takes a break. The system would not be intrusive, since it would only be activated when it did not detect the usual activity on a device. So, it would not affect the players' experience.

With this, Roku is also looking for a method to know the practices of its users when using one of its devices. The project is still in development and still needs some adjustments. On the other hand, the patent is no guarantee that it will ever become a reality.

Ads have not yet reached video games as an intrusive business model. However, little by little there are more projects to incorporate them in different ways and offer alternatives to companies in terms of monetization.

In case you missed it: “It's very disappointing,” players criticize Xbox for showing more ads on their consoles

What do you think about this possible project? Tell us in the comments.

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