Science and Tech

This breathing technique could reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, experts say

No drugs, no exercise. A breathing technique can help you have a full old age.

He Alzheimer’s It is one of the most terrible and common diseases of old age. But it seems the risk of suffering from it can be reducedif from youth you practice a breathing technique which we are going to explain

Alzheimer’s It is a degenerative disease of the brain.. It is known that it occurs because an abnormal amount of certain proteins causes the death of neurons.

According to experts, an increase in the amount or less elimination of amyloid beta peptide in the brain, is what triggers Alzheimer’s. This peptide is produced by the amyloid protein.

It has been shown that people with high levels of beta amyloid in their blood are at higher risk of developing the disease.

Breathing against Alzheimer’s

Experts from the Leonard Davis School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California, assure that the breathing influences stress and how the brain produces and removes these toxic proteins.

According to the Daily Mailcarried out a breathing experiment for a month with a group of 108 people divided into two groups, between 18 and 30 years old, and between 55 and 80 years old.

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Those who performed the breathing technique that we are going to explain, reduced levels of beta amyloid in the bloodwhich as we have said is one of the inducers of Alzheimer’s.

This is the breathing exercise. It is very simple:


Daily Mail

you just have to inhale air slowly, for five seconds, and exhale it also slowly, for 5 seconds.

Repeat the exercise for 20 minutes, twice a day, for a month.

Doctors don’t really know why it happens. With breathing and relaxation, stress is reduced and the heart rate balanced, but it is not known if the brain produces less toxic amyloid proteins, or if it eliminates them more efficiently. The fact is that the result is there: less beta amyloid peptides in blood.

If you do these breathing exercises frequently and beta amyloid levels are kept low, reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s. It’s free, it’s simple, and it also helps reduce anxiety and stress. It’s worth a try!

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