economy and politics

They propose night work from 6 in the afternoon

They propose night work from 6 in the afternoon

On July 25, the Partido Comunes presented a bill that seeks to bring forward the start of the night shift. The worker would not start his shift at 9 at night, but at 6 in the afternoon.

(Telefónica offers its employees a 4-day work week).

According to what was stated before the secretary of the Senate, Gregorio Eljach, with this project it is intended to guarantee rest and fair payment of workers.

“It is intended to once again implement in Colombia a day shift that is compatible with the prerogatives of the weak part of the employment relationship. (…) What this initiative intends is nothing more than to generate a more egalitarian and beneficial panorama for workers”, he says in the project.

In the event that it is proven, the night workday would start at 6:00 pm, the daytime workday would be shorter, and additional remuneration would apply as appropriate.

*With information from EL TIEMPO

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