
They attack an armory in Marseille during the protests in France

The number of detainees in the country amounts to 470

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An armory has been assaulted this Friday night in Marseille in which several hunting rifles have been stolen, but according to police sources without ammunition, during the wave of protests that France has been registering since a teenager died on Tuesday in the city of Nanterre for the shot fired by a policeman during a control.

The owner of the store has described that he saw about “30 young people with a clear intention” and has denounced that his provisions “are no longer safe”, as reported by the French newspaper ‘Le Parisien’.

The Police of the Bouches-du-Rhône department have informed the newspaper ‘Le Figaro’ that they have already made 95 arrests so far tonight, for which reason its mayor has requested reinforcements: “In Marseille, the scenes of looting and violence are unacceptable. I strongly condemn these acts of vandalism and call on the state to immediately dispatch additional police forces.”

At the national level, 470 arrests have already been reached, as reported by the French Interior Minister, Gérard Darmanin, on the BFM television network, of which it is known from different local sources that 120 have been in Paris, 38 in Lyon and 19 in Toulouse.

“It is the Republic that is going to win, not the rioters,” Darmanin has said, lamenting the young age of many rioters. “Children of 13, 14 years (…) that obviously it is better that they are in their houses than walking on the streets.”

“The Home Office is ready to further increase its position of strength if things ever deteriorate, which is not the case tonight,” added the minister, who remained cautious about the possibility of decreeing a state of lockdown. emergency, a device that “has been called four times in sixty years”, and has mentioned that in 2005, during previous popular riots, the device had been deployed on the tenth day.

“I am not confusing the few hundred, the few thousand criminals, unfortunately often very young, with the vast majority of our compatriots who live in working-class neighborhoods, who want to work and educate their children,” he concluded.

In addition to the protests that are taking place, a group of Sudanese hackers under the name “Anonymous Sudan” have stated on their Telegram that they are carrying out attacks on the services of French institutions and that on Friday afternoon they have attacked two hospitals in Lyon and Marseille, causing them to become saturated.


The soccer player Kylian Mbappé has shared on his Twitter account a message from all the players of the French soccer team to call for calm.

“Since this tragic event, we have witnessed the expression of popular anger whose substance we understand, but whose form we cannot endorse. Violence solves nothing, except when it inevitably and tirelessly turns against those who express it, their families, loved ones and neighbours”, he explained.

He added that “it is your property that you are destroying, your neighborhoods, your cities, your places of abundance and proximity”, explaining that many of the players come from “popular neighborhoods.

“We cannot remain silent and our civic conscience encourages us to call for appeasement, conscience and responsibility”, he continued.

“There are other peaceful and constructive ways of expressing oneself: the time for violence must end to make way for mourning, dialogue and reconstruction,” he concluded.

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