economy and politics

They arrest a DGT helicopter pilot who crashed in Madrid after testing positive for cocaine and methamphetamine

They arrest a DGT helicopter pilot who crashed in Madrid after testing positive for cocaine and methamphetamine

A pilot of the Pegasus helicopter of the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), injured this Sunday in the Madrid municipality of Robledo de Chavela, has tested positive for cocaine and methamphetamines, according to the Spain newspaper. The driver has been arrested and is charged with a crime against air safety.

The only person injured after the accident was the pilot’s companion on the flight, who was slightly injured. After the crash, the emergency services attended him and he tried to flee to avoid the Civil Guard drug detection test.

At first, the incident was investigated as a human error but after the test result, the arrest has been made.

The aforementioned medium points out that the pilot is on leave of absence from a previous position. About his companion, it is added that he is also an official and camera operator of the agency in charge of road control. After initial medical assistance, he was transferred to the Puerta de Hierro hospital in Madrid.

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