
"they are sorry"fans criticize Game Freak for new Pokémon Scarlet & Violet bug

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Even though they debuted in November 2022, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet They keep getting talked about, but unfortunately a lot of those times were due to issues or bugs that the games still have. Today, for example, it is one of them, since a new error caused problems and even crashes for thousands of players.

As anticipated, a new event began today in Pokemon Scarlet & Violetwhich would give players a chance to capture Iron Treads, Great Tusks, and Chesnaught after beating them in 5-star and 7-star Teraids.

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New bug from Pokémon Scarlet & Violet causes crashes

However, as soon as the event was live, players reported issues with precisely the 5-star Teraids from Iron Treads and Great Tusks. According to the details, the list of rewards included several useful items, but also one called “None”, which was clearly a bug. Later, the game crashed.

Game Freak did not talk about the causes of the problem, but there is speculation about a bug related to the available rewards. Joe Merrickexpert in Pokemonsuggests that the error would have appeared because in 5-star Raids Pokémon usually offer TM as rewards, but the case of Iron Treads and Great Tusks is special, since they are Paradox Pokémon (in fact, it is the first time they have been taken teraids of this type) and would not be programmed to offer TM, hence the “None”.

Game Freak canceled the event and received strong criticism

To avoid further issues, Game Freak made the decision to put the event on hold until further notice and later mentioned that they canceled it, which is why players shouldn’t encounter Teraids from Iron Treads and Great Tusks. The company also opted to cancel the Chesnaught event. There would therefore be no outstanding Theraincursions this weekend in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

Game Freak asked players not to participate in it if they see any Teraincursion affected, apart from offering their apologies again for the problems caused.

“We will share more updates later on future plans around this event,” the company said.

Naturally, fans received this negatively and regretted that Game Freak is again making another mistake. Many fans agreed that the games are “sorry” and criticized the studio’s inability to address the issue instantly instead of suspending the event indefinitely.

In case you missed it: despite its scandalous release, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet They have already sold more than 22 million units.

What do you think of this new bug in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet? Tell us in the comments.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet are available exclusively for Nintendo Switch. You can find more about them if you visit their file or if you consult our written review.

Related video: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: a victory that tastes like defeat

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