economy and politics

These are the states that receive the most foreign investment in Mexico

These are the states that receive the most foreign investment in Mexico

Last year, more than 35.2 billion dollars of foreign direct investment (FDI) arrived in the country, according to data from the Ministry of Economy.

For this year, and thanks to nearshoring, a strategy that seeks to boost the production and supply chain near the United States, the country is expected to receive 42,000 million dollars of foreign capital, said Gabriela Siller, director of economic analysis- Banco Base Finance.

Mexico City, Nuevo León, the State of Mexico, Jalisco and Chihuahua are the five entities that have attracted the most Foreign Direct Investment, according to Economy figures at the end of September 2022.

By sector, manufacturing is the first place to attract FDI, followed by transport, mail and storage, financial and insurance services, information in the mass media, commerce and other services, according to Banorte.

Since 1994, when the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) -now the Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC)- entered into force, the northern states are the ones that have benefited the most from these investments, especially due to geographical proximity, greater capital in terms of infrastructure and personnel training, to meet the demands of the industries that arrive.

The concentration of public and private investment is notorious, leaving the southern states with little attraction to capture this capital.

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