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Theology of Women: discussion begins activities to commemorate the anniversary at UCSC

Theology of Women: discussion begins activities to commemorate the anniversary at UCSC

Academic activity organized by the Gender and University Cultural Extension Departments.

Knowing the role of Mary Magdalene as a disciple of Christ, and the role of women in evangelization, was the axis of the discussion “Theology of Women”, an academic activity organized by the Directorates of Gender and University Cultural Extension, and which gave start of a commemorative program for International Women’s Day at the University. The presentations were in charge of the academics of the Faculty of Theological Studies, Soledad Aravena and Francisca Orellana.

The meeting began with a show by the UCSC Modern Dance Ensemble, and then continued with a presentation by academic Soledad Aravena, entitled “María Magdalena, apostle of apostles.” In her intervention, she focused on this woman from Christian history, considered a Saint, and celebrated on July 22. reviewing the presence of Mary Magdalene in the canonical writings, she highlighted her prominence, notwithstanding, the different visions of women in the gospels during the life of Jesus.

The Gospel of John, detailed Aravena, is the one that contains the most extensive writings on the presence of Magdalena, moved by a deep love for Jesus. Likewise, in the Gnostic and apocryphal gospels, the figure of Magdalena is a relevant figure, as one of the few disciples who remains in contact with Christ after his death, and other of these traditions break with the traditional figure of the woman in history and the dominant structure of society. The academic indicated that Pope Paul VI withdrew the term “penitent” associated with the Saint, among other actions that have subsequently given her a degree of festivity at the same level as the other apostles.

Meanwhile, Francisca Orellana referred to the role of women in evangelization, and indicated that the forms have been changing throughout history, and making a brief tour, reviewed the female presence in this important mission of the Church. The woman was part of the husband’s possession in the texts of the old testament. In the times of Jesus, meanwhile, the woman took an important role as mother, and in her family roles, she was relegated from the social space and even from the temple. With Christ, women follow him as disciples, which was certainly striking in the society of that time. In the gospels, she adds, there is no episode in which Jesus exposes any kind of contempt for women. Women are beneficiaries of miracles, and with this they are clearly seen as depositaries of the evangelizing message. The specialist indicated different moments in which the feminine role in the nascent Church was changing and evolving.

You can review the program at this link.

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