economy and politics

The warning from the Chavista leader Diosdado Cabello to Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo

The warning from the Chavista leader Diosdado Cabello to Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo

Chavista leader Diosdado Cabello warned the Foreign Minister of Colombia, Luis Gilberto Murillo, who do I call “empire puppy“American, who will respond”Safely“if he talks about it again”transition“in Venezuela, where Presidential elections will be held on July 28.

If you have something to say, talk about transition, Murillo, do it, talk about transition again to see, to see what happens, and cover your ears because I’m going to respond again with confidence.“, expressed the first vice president of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), during his program ‘Con el mallet giving’, broadcast on the state channel VTV.

(See: Europe announces measures to oversee Venezuelan elections).

The deputy also reiterated his accusation against the Colombian minister of “work” for the United States Government -to which Murillo recently limited himself to responding with “to foolish words, deaf ears“-, and described the national official as a “puppy of the empire.”

He is chancellor of Colombia, but works for the United States Government“Insisted Cabello, who said he preferred”a thousand times being a fool than being a puppy dragged into imperialism“.

(See: Venezuelan government denounces CNE warehouse for sabotage).

On May 8, the Chavista leader accused Murillo of “working” for the North American nation, after the Colombian expressed that his country seeks to have a “smooth transition“in Venezuela after the presidential elections, in which the current Venezuelan head of state, Nicolás Maduro, seeks his second re-election.

(See: Why oil is accused of being ‘the mother of corruption’ in Venezuela).

The next day, Murillo assured that Cabello’s accusation “Has no sense“and said that the Colombian Government does not want to”respond or give in to any provocation from other actors on either side who sometimes what interests them is to generate conflict“.

At 54 Annual Washington Conference on the Americas, Murillo expressed that Colombia hopes that the upcoming Venezuelan elections “are fair, obviously, competitive… free”, and that it is, “at least, an acceptable process“.

(See: This will be the vehicle traffic on the La Unión bridge, between Colombia and Venezuela).


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