
The US sanctions three individuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina for corruption and violation of the Dayton agreements

The US sanctions three individuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina for corruption and violation of the Dayton agreements

March 15 () –

The United States has sanctioned three people from Bosnia and Herzegovina on Wednesday for involvement in corruption, as well as in criminal organizations dedicated to drug trafficking, and for violating the Dayton agreements of 1995, which ended the war in the country.

“The three individuals appointed today pose a threat to regional stability, institutional trust, and the aspirations of those seeking democratic governance in the Western Balkans,” Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. nelson.

Specifically, one of those affected is the director general of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Intelligence Security Agency, Osman Mehmedagic, who, according to Washington, made “misuse” of the telecommunications company BH Telecom to collect information from politicians in benefit of the Democratic Action Party (SDA).

“Mehmedagic also ordered a person to monitor a government official affiliated with an opposition party of the Republika Srpska (RS) entity. Mehmedagic has used his position, threats and connections to influence the candidates of Osmorka, a group of Bosnian civil parties,” the Treasury Department said in a statement.

Likewise, there is “reliable information” that he collaborated with criminal networks “to enrich himself and his political party.” For all these reasons, the United States has sanctioned him for participating directly or indirectly in acts of corruption.”

Another of those sanctioned is the director of the Republika Srpska Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs (RUGIP), Dragan Stankovic, for “obstructing or threatening the implementation of the Dayton peace agreement” after stating that the State has no authority over real estate located in the Republika Srpska.

Likewise, Washington has included Edin Gacanin, leader of the Tito and Dino Cartel, on its ‘black list’ for being involved “in money laundering and is closely related to the Kinahan Organized Crime Group, a transnational criminal organization.” .

In this way, Gacanin has been sanctioned for “having participated or attempted to participate in activities or transactions that have materially contributed or represent a significant risk of contributing to the international proliferation of illicit drugs or their means of production”

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