
The US announces the death of the main commander of the Islamic State in northern Iraq

The US announces the death of the main commander of the Islamic State in northern Iraq


The Central Command of the US Army announced this Friday the death of the considered main commander of the Islamic State jihadist organization for northern Iraq in an air attack that occurred last Monday, October 14, in the northeast of the country.

The attack, a “precision artillery” maneuver, ended the life of Shahadha Salí Bayari, alias ‘Abú Issa’ or also known as “the ‘wali’ of Kirkuk”, along with three other members of the Islamic State, an organization now reduced to itinerant cells scattered throughout the country after the territorial defeat it suffered in 2019 after several years controlling large areas of Iraq.

The attack, carried out mainly by the Iraqi Army but which was supported by operatives from the international anti-jihadist coalition, initially left no civilian victims, according to the assessment of CENTCOM, which does not provide further details on the exact circumstances of the bombing.

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