The US embassy in kyiv has decided temporarily close its headquarters after having received “specific” information about a possible “major” airstrike over the city this Wednesday. The Spanish embassy has also decided to close and will not provide services throughout Wednesday. Italy and Greece They have subsequently announced the same decision.
This warning has been confirmed by kyiv, which has revealed that Russia has ballistic and cruise missiles prepared to launch a major attack against the country. However, from Ukraine they reproach the closure of embassies under the argument that this is a “daily reality” and not something specific.
“The US embassy in kyiv has received specific information about a possible major airstrike on November 20. As a precautionary measure, The Embassy will be closed”warns the diplomatic legation in a statement addressed to American citizens.
United States, which plans to reopen its embassy on Thursday in Ukraine and return to operating normally, he also assured that “instructions have been given to embassy employees to shelter in place.” “The US Embassy recommends that US citizens who are prepared to take shelter immediately in case an air alert is announced,” he adds.
The legation also advises taking some measures in the event of an attack, such as monitoring local media for updates, identifying shelter locations before any air alert, taking shelter immediately if an air alert is announced, or following the instructions of the Ukrainian officials and emergency services.
long range missiles
The message from the US embassy and other diplomatic legations comes days after the Joe Biden Administration authorized kyiv to use long-range ATACMS missiles against Russian territory, which represents a turning point in the war that began in February. of 2022 and that yesterday, Tuesday, it turned 1,000 days old. Furthermore, and as reported today Washington Post the president of the United States too has authorized the supply of anti-personnel landmines to Ukraine with the aim of strengthening kyiv’s defenses
Those ATACMS missiles that have the approval of the US have already been used by the Ukrainian Army, as confirmed this Tuesday by senior US and Ukrainian officials. The New York Times and Reuters.
Previously, the Russian Defense Ministry had reported that its troops had intercepted five of the six ATACMS missiles launched against the Bryansk region. At the moment, the Ukrainian and American authorities have not officially confirmed this.
Biden’s decision to authorize the use of these missiles is great political significance, since it means challenging one of the many red lines which Putin has used to threaten to escalate the conflict to a nuclear attack.
Armas nucleares
De hecho, tras el ok de EEUU al uso de misiles de largo alcance proporcionados por su país, Putin respondió con la aprobación de una doctrina nuclear que permite responder con armamento nuclear ataques convencionales con drones o misiles que amenacen la soberanía de Rusia y Bielorrusia.
La doctrina autoriza un ataque nuclear en caso de que el ataque convencional enemigo suponga “una amenaza crítica para la soberanía y/o integridad territorial” de ambos países, que integran la Unión Estatal Rusia-Bielorrusia.
El documento también considerará “ataque conjunto” la agresión de un país que carezca de armamento atómico, pero que tenga el respaldo de una potencia nuclear.
La doctrina amplía la categoría de alianzas militares contra las que Rusia aplicará la estrategia de disuasión nuclear. “La agresión de cualquier Estado perteneciente a una coalición militar (bloque, alianza) contra la Federación de Rusia y (o) sus aliados es vista como una agresión de la coalición en su conjunto”, señala el texto.
Estas dos últimas cláusulas son consideradas por los analistas como una clara advertencia a Estados Unidos y la OTAN, en caso de que decidan involucrase directamente en el conflicto en Ucrania.
Rusia podría recurrir a las armas nucleares también en caso de “ataque masivo” con aviones de guerra, misiles de crucero, hipersónicos, drones y otros aparatos no tripulados que violen el espacio aéreo del país.
Por primera vez, el documento alude no sólo a la aviación y a aparatos hipersónicos enemigos, sino también a drones, un instrumento de guerra que ha adquirido una gran popularidad en los últimos años.
Por este motivo Rusia acelera la construcción de refugios móviles a prueba de bombas nucleares después del cambio de doctrina de Putin.
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