
The United States shows its concern about the increase in violence in northern Syria

The United States shows its concern about the increase in violence in northern Syria

June 20 () –

The spokesman for the Secretary of the United States Department of State, Matthew Miller, has expressed his concern about the increase in violence in northern Syria in recent days, in which Turkey has attacked positions of the Kurdish-Syrian militia Units of People’s Protection (YPG).

“We are concerned by reports of increased violence in northern Syria in recent days and urge all parties to de-escalate to preserve stability,” Miller said on his Twitter account.

Turkey announced last Thursday the neutralization of 60 suspected YPG members in northern Syria, and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) warned the Turkish side that they would “pay dearly” for their attacks.

The SDF, whose main member is the YPG, pointed out in a statement published on its website at “an alarming escalation” of the “brutal aggression by the Turkish occupation” against areas of northeastern Syria, with its epicenters in Al Shahba. , Manbij, Ain Isa and Jazira.

The Turkish army has carried out numerous ground operations and bombardments in recent years against the YPG — allies within the framework of the SDF of the US-led coalition against Islamic State — for its ties to the Workers’ Party of the Kurdistan (PKK).

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