
The United States announces a new package of 187 million euros of humanitarian aid for Ukraine

The United States announces a new package of 187 million euros of humanitarian aid for Ukraine

June 17 () –

The Secretary of the United States Department of State, Antony Blinken, announced this Friday a new package of 205 million dollars (about 187 million euros) of humanitarian assistance for Ukraine.

“U.S. humanitarian assistance provides the people of Ukraine with critical support that includes food, safe drinking water, protective services, education, livelihoods, legal assistance, accessible shelter, medical care, and more (…). These Funds also help victims of the conflict maintain contact with family members from whom they have been separated and promote family reunification as soon as possible,” Blinken said in a statement.

In addition, he has again called for an “immediate” end to the invasion and has asked Russia to facilitate “unimpeded access” for humanitarian aid providers in Ukraine and to ensure passage for those seeking to move to other areas.

“The US response is promoting general security, economic recovery, energy security and Ukraine’s ability to deal with the humanitarian crisis created by the Russian war,” said the Secretary of State.

Since the beginning of 2023, the United States has sent more than 605 million dollars (about 550 million euros) of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, which goes to different humanitarian organizations operating in the country. Since the war began in February 2022, the US has provided more than 2.1 billion dollars (1.9 billion euros) in this type of assistance.

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