
The UN points to “disagreements” that prevent the holding of elections despite the latest contacts in Geneva

The UN points to "disagreements" that prevent the holding of elections despite the latest contacts in Geneva

The state oil company declares ‘force majeure’ in Sidra and Ras Lanuf


The United Nations has pointed to “progress” in the contacts with the conflicting authorities in Libya, although it has stressed that “disagreements” continue to exist that prevent progress towards the holding of the presidential elections, postponed in December 2021.

The UN special envoy for Libya, Stephanie Williams, has highlighted that the presidents of the House of Representatives and the High Council of State met in Geneva on Tuesday and Wednesday to address the situation in line with the agreement reached in June in El Cairo.

“The parties reached an unprecedented consensus on a series of pending issues,” including the designation of the seat and the distribution of seats for the two chambers of the legislature, as well as the division of responsibilities between the president, the prime minister, the Government and local authorities.

Likewise, there was also agreement on “the specific form of decentralization, including the demarcation of governorships and their powers, a revenue-sharing mechanism for the different levels of government, and an increase in representation for cultural components.”

“While the progress made during the three rounds of talks in Cairo and this round in Geneva is significant, it remains insufficient as a basis for moving towards national elections, which are the true desire of the Libyan people,” Williams said.

For this reason, he has asked the parties to “overcome pending disagreements as soon as possible” and has advocated “avoiding hasty actions”. “Calm and stability must be maintained,” he has argued, while he has reiterated his willingness to give “all the necessary support” to achieve “a solid agreement.”

For its part, the National Oil Corporation (NOC) has declared a state of “force majeure” in the ports of Sidra and Ras Lanuf, which are added to the Al Fil field and the Brega and Zuetina terminals, according to a statement published by the agency on its website.

“Our patience has run out after repeatedly trying to avoid the declaration of ‘force majeure,'” NOC president Mustafá Sanalá said, before adding that “compliance with obligations is impossible.”

“Today, more than ever, we face uncomfortable challenges represented by our inability to meet the needs of vital facilities in the country with fuel,” he lamented, while anticipating that “it is not surprising that the crisis worsens during the season of summer unless oil production resumes.

In this sense, he lamented that “politicians have false ideas about the oil issue” and stressed that “political differences are a right, but it is a mistake to use oil as a bargaining chip.” “It is an unforgivable sin,” she has maintained.

“The sins of politicians are deadly and the situation is difficult given the serious consequences for the quality of life of citizens unless oil and gas production is resumed immediately,” said Sanalá.

The country is once again divided into two administrations after the House of Representatives terminated the mandate of the prime minister of unity, Abdul Hamid Dbeibé, due to the postponement of the December presidential elections and appointed Fazi Bashaga to the post.

The unity government has rejected the decision of the House of Representatives, which is a blow to efforts to end the conflict, and has maintained that Dbeibé will remain in office, a position supported by the international community.

Dbeibé was elected as prime minister by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) in February 2021, thereby replacing the then unity prime minister, Fayez Serraj, who agreed to cede his powers after the consultation process, initiated after a ceasefire agreement after the Tripoli authorities rejected the military offensive launched in April 2019 by General Khalifa Haftar, aligned with the authorities based in the east.

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