
The twelve migrants that Meloni had detained in Albania arrive in Italy after the ruling of Justice

The twelve migrants that Meloni had detained in Albania arrive in Italy after the ruling of Justice

The 12 migrants who were still in the detention centers erected by the Government of Giorgia Meloni in Albania arrived this Saturday to the port of Bariin the south of Italy, after the ruling issued yesterday by the Justice that ordered that they be removed from Albanian soil, in a blow to the migration externalization pact of Rome with Tirana.

The migrants, of Bangladesh and Egypthave been taken this morning from the Gjadër holding center and transferred to Italy with an Italian Coast Guard ship, and will now be transferred to a reception center for asylum seekers in the area of ​​the city of Bari, the chain reported. public television RAI.

He Court of Rome yesterday, Friday, it issued a ruling in which it did not validate the internment of the migrants in Albania and ordered that they be taken to Italy, which opened a dispute between the Meloni Government and Justice.

The Executive announced that it will appeal the ruling and assured that it will continue with its plan to transfer migrants to Albania, a model that aroused interest among certain European countries or the president of the European Commission herself. Ursula Von der Leyenwhile the Italian opposition opposes this system and asks Meloni to dismantle it.

For his part, the Italian Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordiodeclared this Saturday that the Government will react to the court ruling with “legislative measures”.

La prensa local ha informado que la coalición planea aprobar un decreto-ley en la reunión del Consejo de Ministros del próximo lunes. Este sería de adopción casi inmediata y cambiaría la norma sobre cómo designar los países de origen de migrantes considerados seguros.

Este fue el elemento central que arguyó la Justicia para ordenar que el Gobierno llevara a los migrantes retenidos en Albania hacia Italia. Los jueves aseguraron que sus Estados de procedencia, Egipto y Bangladesh, no podían ser considerados seguros, ante lo que quedaba invalidada su detención en Albania.

Mientras la oposición celebró la sentencia, el Gobierno mostró su malestar, y la primera ministra argumentó que la Justicia se había entrometido en un asunto -la designación de países seguros o no seguros- que es competencia del Ejecutivo y no de los jueces.

Ante esto, Meloni aseguró que hallará “una solución” a la actual situación.

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