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The Treasure of Villena, in Alicante, has extraterrestrial origin

Treasure of Villena

He Treasure of Villenadiscovered in Alicante, is dated to the Bronze Age3,200 years ago. But some pieces only make sense 500 years later. How is it possible? The answer could be in its extraterrestrial origin.

He Treasure of Villena was discovered on December 1, 1963 by José María Soler, in the Alicante town of the same name.

It is composed of 66 pieces of various metals in the form of bowls, bracelets, bottles and various decorative pieces. You can see it in the opening photo of the news.

The extraterrestrial origin of the Treasure of Villena

He treasure includes gold ornaments, three silver bottles, an iron bracelet, an iron finial with gold ornaments, and an amber and gold button. In total, a unique find, almost 10 kilos of goldwhich was hidden 3,000 years ago and is considered the most important prehistoric treasure in Europe.

Most of the complex has been dated to the Bronze Age, around 1400 to 1200 BC. But There are two pieces that have baffled historians.: a cap with an openwork gold plate, believed to be the end of a command scepter or the hilt of a sword, and an open bracelet.

These two pieces do not fit into the whole, because They are made of iron. And iron was not obtained until the Iron Age, about 400 or 500 years later:

Villena Museum (MUVI)

Perhaps these pieces were later incorporated into the treasury. But, as it was found, this option is ruled out. For this reason, some historians dated the Treasure of Villena in the Iron Age, not the Bronze Age.

A new study published in Prehistory Workssuggests that the explanation lies in the extraterrestrial origin of those two pieces of iron.

Don’t let your imagination run wild: it’s not that aliens brought them to Earth, but rather that meteoric iron. That is, it comes from a meteorite.

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“The results of the analyzes carried out on the iron pieces from the Villena Treasure that are presented here indicate with great probability that they are meteoritic iron objects,” explain the authors of the study.

Although not common, objects made from meteoric iron have been discovered before the Iron Age. The most famous is Tutankhamun’s Dagger.

This discovery would make compatible the dating of the Villena Treasure to the late Bronze Age, around 1200 BC. They are going to do more analysis, but if this information is confirmed, they would be the first objects manufactured with meteoric iron that have been found in the Iberian Peninsula.

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Tags: Culture, Viral, Curiosities, History

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