Science and Tech

The Tesla Mobile Hotel Resort, a dream vacation on Mars

The Tesla Mobile Hotel Resort, a dream vacation on Mars

Beside him, the Cybertruck looks like an ant. This massive Tesla rolling hotel might just be the most sought-after destination on Mars.

Science fiction, and science, tell us that Traveling to Mars is a much more dangerous than pleasant experience. It is a rock that is almost 100 million kilometerswithout breathable air, and with temperatures ranging between 0 degrees and 120 degrees Celsius below zerothroughout the day.

But in a few decades, if travel to Mars becomes standardized, someone will consider doing tourism business with them. And Tesla, through SpaceX, would be among the best positioned companies.

Chinese conceptual artist LOONGT has imagined what he calls Tesla Mobile Hotel Resort. A hotel on wheels that offers us a tourist tour of the Red Planet:

The mobile hotel is made up of three clearly differentiated parts, as seen in the image.

A large central dome contains the great viewpoints to enjoy the landscape, as well as restaurants, a gym and casinos. Curious the idea of ​​traveling to Mars to play roulette or cards…

In the central area there are cylindrical rooms containing rooms, and other private rooms.

In the back are stored some pods that have two uses: horizontally they fly like a flying saucer, and vertically they roll, to transport tourists by land:

The Tesla’s rolling hotel would carry out an idyllic tourist tour of the most emblematic places on Mars.

would start in meteor craterand after going out to explore in the aforementioned autonomous pods, he would travel to Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in the Solar System, three times higher than Everest, to sleep on its top.

Of course it would be an unforgettable vacation, if one day they come. For now, we are satisfied with returning to the Moon soon with the Artemis mission, if the incidents of the first mission do not delay it even more…

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