Alberto Casero, deputy of the Popular Party, will be tried for prevarication and embezzlement of public funds. The Supreme Court judge who has investigated his case has decided to prosecute him for crimes of embezzlement and prevarication for five allegedly irregular contracts awarded by the Trujillo City Council when he was mayor of the town of Extremadura, between 2017 and 2018. t
Alberto Casero is wrong again and votes in favor of investigating the Rajoy government by the political police
The PP affirmed that it would not take action against the parliamentarian until the Supreme Court ordered the opening of an oral trial against him. But it has been Casero himself who has taken the step and has requested his “suspension of militancy” in the party, although for the moment he has not left the seat, reports Aitor Riveiro. The official reaction of the PP: “Nothing to say”
Casero is a national parliamentarian of the party headed by Alberto Núñez Feijóo for more than a decade between his time in the Senate between 2011 and 2015 and in Congress since 2019. In Extremadura, he also served as mayor of the town of Trujillo in Cáceres between 2011 and 2019. It was in his last term when, according to the judge, he signed up to five contracts totaling 94,000 euros and which were awarded irregularly. Contracts, for example, to organize the local cheese fair.
The contracts, the investigating judge understands, were awarded irregularly with Casero skipping all the necessary administrative and legal procedures. For judge Andrés Palomo, he could have committed a crime of prevarication in the first place: “It not only supposes repeated and admitted administrative irregularities, but a way of proceeding by the appraiser who identifies his voluntarism regardless of any interpretation with a loophole of rationality of the legal system ”, he reproaches.
He used verbal contracts or processed the processes “without any publicity” when necessary and eluded the control mechanisms of his own consistory. He could also commit a crime of embezzlement of public funds, both in its current wording after the reform of the Penal Code and in the previous version of the law.
The name of Alberto Casero gained notoriety when his error in a vote was key to the approval of the government’s labor reform. After the change of vote of the deputies of the Unión del Pueblo Navarro, a mistake by Casero voting electronically in favor of the reform and not against it, as the PP had established, facilitated the approval of the law by a single difference vote.