economy and politics

The Supreme Court flatly rejects Vox’s complaint against Irene Montero for defending sexual education in minors

Last September, the Minister for Equality appeared in the Congress of Deputies to discuss the reform of the Abortion Law. An intervention in which Irene Montero defended the importance of sexual education for minors, and which was manipulated by Vox and other associations close to the ultra-right to mount a campaign against the minister, whom they ended up denouncing before the Supreme Court under the accusation of promoting the corruption of the smallest. Now the judges have flatly rejected all the accusations, in an order in which they reproach Vox for mixing the parliamentary debate with pedophilia and for having tried to accuse Montero of a crime that does not even exist. “The complaints and lawsuits are manifestly inadmissible,” says the Supreme Court.

The extreme right manipulates some words by Irene Montero about young people and pregnancy to accuse her of admitting pedophilia

The extreme right manipulates some words by Irene Montero about young people and pregnancy to accuse her of admitting pedophilia


The Minister of Equality spoke that day in the commission of the branch in the Congress of Deputies. An intervention in which she defended that sexual education is “a right of boys and girls, regardless of who their families are.” He also added that minors have the right to “know that no adult can touch their body if they do not want to, and that this is a form of violence, they have the right to love and have sexual relations with whoever they want, based on that yes, in the consent, and these are rights that are recognized and that you do not like.

Vox and other far-right groups did not take long to manipulate these words and interpret that the head of the Equality portfolio was inviting large-scale corruption of minors in Spain and they even decided to launch legal actions against her. “It is corruption of minors and apology for pedophilia,” said the far-right deputy Carla Toscano on Twitter.

Vox filed a complaint in the Supreme Court against Montero for a crime of incitement to the crime of corruption of minors, secondarily of incitement to prostitution or even “a compatible crime” with child pornography. But Santiago Abascal’s party was not the only one: complaints and complaints were also filed by five associations linked to the anti-vaccine movement, some specialized in the fight against “gender ideology”, which on occasions have supported Vox in filing complaints against the Government or even an association led by a policeman who participated in Big Brother almost a decade ago.

All the complaints and lawsuits were announced but neither Vox nor these associations have communicated to their affiliates and followers that they were flatly inadmissible by the Supreme Court a month ago, with the approval of the Prosecutor’s Office. With Judge Andrés Palomo as speaker, the six complaints and complaints were rejected because the judges did not see the slightest hint of incitement to pedophilia in the words of the Minister for Equality.

The harshest criticism from the criminal court is taken by the complaint by Vox, whose legal manager Marta Castro went so far as to affirm emphatically that Montero’s words “constitute a crime.” The judges explain that Montero was answering a question about abortion and his speech alluded to “girls under 16 and 17 years of age; and in any case, consent was predicated as an object or matter in which minors should be educated. No incitement is contained, for minors, of a lower age, to have sexual relations ”, the Supreme Court said emphatically now.

“In the demonstrations provided, no direct incitement is contemplated” to the corruption of minors, say the judges. A crime that Vox and some of the ultras associations put on the table and that, adds the Supreme Court, does not exist in its form of incitement. “Provocation is punished exclusively in cases where the Law so provides and in none of the crimes of Title VIII, where crimes against sexual freedom are included, it is provided for,” the judges remind Vox. “Nothing to do with sex education, in relation to an arduous and often agonizing decision, by minors of sixteen and seventeen years.”

The judges also reproach the far-right party for having raised in its complaint not only this non-existent crime but even that of consummated sexual abuse or favoring prostitution, putting it at the level of a parliamentary debate. The complaint has equated, the Supreme Court points out, “the mere discussion in a political sphere, especially protected, about the sexual education of minors, with the effective performance of acts of a sexual nature with a minor under sixteen years of age.”

The “biased and out of context” publication

The complaints and lawsuits against Montero put on the table, in addition to a fragment of his statements – which the judges contextualized in the whole of their intervention in the Equality commission of the lower house – the headlines of the media such as El Debate, digital freedom either The objective. The Prosecutor’s Office described these contributions as “alarming headlines” and spoke of “biased publication and out of context of some of their statements.”

The order of the Supreme Court to which has had access reveals that not only Vox tried to get the judges to open a case against Minister Montero for sexual crimes against minors. Up to five associations unsuccessfully filed their own lawsuits, including some that have supported Vox on other legal fronts and others that have declared war on “gender ideology” or vaccination against COVID-19.

One of them is the Liberum Association, which in recent years has initiated a multitude of legal actions against virus containment measures such as the COVID passport, masks or vaccination, some of them unsuccessfully through criminal proceedings. Another is the Association Victims of Politicianswhich as explained on its website calls, among other things, to impose “absolute control” on immigration.

Among them is also the Association of Educators against Indoctrination, which a week ago went to the Supreme Court to support Vox in the presentation of its complaint against Pedro Sánchez for “conspiracy for rebellion.”

Another of the complainant associations is the so-called European Association of Citizens against Corruption, which among other things spreads the hoax that there is an “abuse industry” used by women to falsely accuse their partners of sexist violence and obtain subsidies and, even finance political parties. This association announced that, with her complaint, she asked that Irene Montero’s parental rights of her three minor children be withdrawn.

One last complaint was filed by the “Alexia Teach Us Project”, promoted by Salvador Martí, a local police officer from Logroño and a contestant on Big Brother in its sixth edition held in 2004. In this project, Martí uses a puppet named Alexia, who pretends to be a police officer who “he came to Spain in a boat with his parents when he was a baby”, to prevent the abuse of minors. Martí has ​​been awarded by the ultra-Catholic platform Hazteoirand in the profiles of the project in various social networks he has shown his support for Vox, for example in his opposition to the Family Law.

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