economy and politics

The spying on Podemos extended to 57 police stations throughout Spain and included everything from special units to patrol cars

The spying on Podemos extended to 57 police stations throughout Spain and included everything from special units to patrol cars

A total of 55 files containing the names of as many Podemos politicians and members of Congress have opened a previously unknown front on the police’s actions against the democratic opposition during the last PP government. These files contain hundreds of queries to restricted databases that agents of the National Police Force – and a few from the Civil Guard – carried out on members of the left-wing party, also and above all, when they held public office elected by citizens, which makes the espionage particularly serious.

The documentation is incorporated into an investigation by the National Court into the dirty war against the party and now Judge Santiago Pedraz must determine how many of these irregular consultations are related to the police manoeuvres launched by the Ministry of the Interior to deal with the then emerging party and which respond to spurious interests of agents who acted alone, either due to the ideological aversion that the party deserves in a large sector of the Police, or because they were looking for information to sell about the party.

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