The total of those authorized to receive donations in the country and abroad was 14,181 in 2019, the first year of the six-year term of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the total reported at the end of the first half of January was 16,153 organizations, which represents an increase of 1,972 donees.
What are donees?
Donees are civil society organizations or non-profit trusts that have authorization from the SAT to receive donations deductible from income tax (ISR), as they are considered non-taxpayers of said tax, the SAT reported in a statement. of press.
These organizations carry out various types of activities such as welfare, education, scientific or technological research, cultural, scholarship, ecological, private museums, social development, private libraries, public works or services and those dedicated to the reproduction of protected and endangered species. of extinction, SAT statistics refer.
In a statement, the SAT detailed that 10,788 donees complied with their Transparency Declaration for the 2023 financial year. This tax obligation has the objective of generating confidence about their assets, by providing clarity about the donations received, their use and destination.
The deadline to submit the 2023 Transparency Declaration was May 31, 2024 and 699 donees were identified who did not comply with this obligation, causing them to lose their authorization, the tax authority added.
According to the SAT, the ISR Law establishes the obligation to keep information related to your assets available to the general public, which can be consulted through the SAT Portal or the Authorized Donees minisite at:
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